Benjamin Balthaser (Ph.D., University of California, San Diego): 20th century multi-ethnic U.S. literature and culture, film, creative writing.
Rebecca Brittenham (Ph.D., Rutgers University): rhetoric and composition studies.
Joe Chaney, (Ph.D. University of California, Irvine): Shakespearean drama, Renaissance rhetoric, eighteenth-century autobiography, creative writing.
Kelcey Ervick, (Ph.D., University of Cincinnati): writing fiction and creative nonfiction, contemporary literature.
Chu He (Ph.D., University of Miami) : 20th century Irish literature, Anglophone literature.
Lee Kahan (Ph.D. University at Buffalo, SUNY): 18th century British literature and culture, media studies.
David Dodd Lee, (MFA, Western Michigan University): poetry writing, editor of 42 Miles Press.
Anne Magnan-Park (Ph.D., Université Rennes 2): Anglophone literature, New Zealand literature and film, creative writing.
Jake Mattox (Ph.D., University of California, San Diego): Pre-1900 American literature, critical race theory, cultural studies.
Elaine Roth (Ph.D., University of Oregon): U.S. cinema, film genres, experimental film, cultural studies.
Kyoko Takanashi (Ph.D., Indiana University): 18th-19th century British literature, history of the novel.