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nothingContact us
Warren (JR) Shrader, Department Chair
(574) 520-4376
Wiekamp Hall, Room 3287
Teresa Andrade,Administrative Assistant
Wiekamp Hall, Room DW2188
Philosophy approaches big questions — what is consciousness? does God exist? are all values just subjective or cultural? what is justice? — through close reading and analysis of historical and contemporary texts, careful reasoning, sophisticated writing, and vigorous discussion in and out of the classroom. Students who pursue either our B.A. or minor develop strong critical thinking and communication skills and an ability to step back and analyze situations and issues from many perspectives.
Because philosophy is an inherently inter-disciplinary field, it helps students engage more deeply in whatever else they study and so to be a real part of the larger community of the University. Our faculty all themselves have multi-disciplinary backgrounds, allowing them to teach classes on topics such as philosophy of mind, philosophy of biology, feminist ethics, and political philosophy, and to contribute to programs in Sustainability Studies, Cognitive Science, Women and Gender Studies, and Religious Studies. Because of its breadth, the Philosophy minor complements just about any major, and many of our majors double major in other fields ranging from physics to biology to psychology to English.
Having Fun!
The department also sponsors lectures and colloquia by well-known philosophers. Each year, the department invites a highly regarded philosopher to visit IU South Bend as speaker for Philosophy Day.

Our graduates enter the world not only with knowledge and habits of thought that enrich their lives, but also with abilities that lead to success in diverse careers in law, business, ministry, the military, and more. More than a few of our majors get bit so deep by the philosophy bug that they want to pursue graduate work in philosophy, and we have a strong record of placing our students into some of the top M.A. programs in the country, including those at Tufts, Western Michigan University, Georgia St., and University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.
Philosophy is demanding, but it's also fun. Our Philosophy Club gives students a chance to interact with each other outside of the classroom. And we have frequent talks by invited speakers, with whom students meet in order to learn more about what philosophy looks like outside of the walls of IU South Bend. We hope to see you at one of these events! Or stop by and introduce yourself to Dr. Matt Shockey, Chair of the Department, in Wiekamp 3281.
IU South Bend Philosophy: Live to Think, Think to Live!
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