Internship Program
Informatics program students
AMCS program students
Informatics program students
AMCS program students
An internship allows students to apply the skills learned and knowledge gained in their classes and allows students to gain practical experience and acquire new knowledge and skills by working in medium to large-scale real-world projects
Learn moreStudents could enroll in CSCI-Y 398 internship course and earn credit towards a CS elective requirement.
Some students pursue internship without enrolling in the internship course.
Students typically pursue internships in companies, businesses, and other organizations.
Students could also pursue the CIVECS internship.
Visit the CIVECS pageInternships in CS are mostly paid though there may be non-paid opportunities as well.
In some cases students will also be able to find a work-study internship location.
Though there are no specific requirements, completion of CSCI-C 243 would be ideal.
Review the step-by-step information regarding the external internships.
If you are interested in pursuing the internal CIVECS internships consult the internship coordinator.
For more information please contact the Department Chair or Internship Coordinator