General Requirements
The program requires the completion of thirty-nine (39) credit hours of graduate coursework. Students complete program coursework in three areas: core coursework, concentration coursework, and elective coursework.
Core Courses
The core curriculum of eighteen (18) credit hours of courses is required of all students. Students should take the core courses at the beginning of their matriculation in order to prepare them for the materials in their elective coursework and research projects.
All students in the MPA program choose a concentration within the MPA degree framework. Concentrations give students an educational foundation and skill set in a substantive area of interest. The course of study in each concentration is determined in conjunction with an advisor and consists of at least 12 credit hours in each concentration.
The MPA program offers concentrations in Criminal Justice, Government Administration and Policy, Nonprofit Administration and Policy, and Health System Administration and Policy." And add a bullet point for "Criminal Justice" with the following text: "Students in the Criminal Justice concentration take courses focused on criminal justice policy, effective management of criminal justice organizations, policing practice, victim advocacy, and public law.
- Government Administration and Policy. Students in the Government concentration take courses focused on public policy, political institutions, public economics, strategic budgeting, urban planning, and political advocacy.
- Nonprofit Administration and Policy. The Nonprofit track features classes focused on management practices in nonprofit organizations, fundraising, financial management of nonprofit organizations, and nonprofit advocacy.
- Health Systems Administration and Policy. Students in the Health concentration study issues relating to health care delivery, managing health care organizations, legal aspects of health care organizations, financial management of health organizations, and community health.
Each MPA student is required to take an additional nine (9) credit hours from the other graduate course offerings within the MPA program to complete the thirty-nine (39) credit hour requirement. In order to maximize the flexibility of the program to meet the career needs of students, the MPA program may accept courses from other departments. Students should investigate courses that interest them and fit their schedules and then consult their assigned advisor or the MPA Director if they have questions about such courses. Students should seek approval prior to taking outside courses to be counted towards completion of the MPA degree.