French Club
IU South Bend has an active French Club.

German Club
IU South Bend has an active German Club. They meet regularly for food, films and fun. E-mail Jeffrey Luppes with questions

Japanese Club
IU South Bend has an active Japanese Club. Contact Yoshiko Okada Green for more information

Spanish Club
IU South Bend has an active Spanish Club and a Latino/Latina Student Union.
The Spanish Club is comprised of students interested in learning more about Hispanic cultures. Membership is free and activities include restaurant and museum trips, film, dance lessons, and guest lectures. Contact Tammy Fong-Morgan at for more information.
The Latino/Latina Student Union is dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the Latinos and their culture in Michiana, and they serve as a support network for IU South Bend Latino student members and the community. Contact for more information.