All events are free and open to the public.
Check out our upcoming events on our Facebook page.
We host a wide variety of events including:
- Civic Leadership Academy
- Constitution Day
- Debate Watch
- Democracy Plaza
- Diversity Reading
- Film Screenings
- Issue Forums
- Inauguration Watch
- Oral Arguments
- Parade to the Polls
- Pizza & Politics
- Service Learning
- State of the Union
- Voter Registration
We also host a wide range of voter education events including candidate debates for local, state, and national offices. Candidates for mayor, city council, county council, school board, state house, state senate, U.S. Congress, sheriff, prosecutor, probate judge, and more are invited to join our candidate forums and debates each election season.
Candidates are also encouraged to participate in our ONLINE VOTER GUIDE( co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the South Bend Area.