Who we are

Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences, a place where endless curiosity and creativity yield every form of success. We prepare well-rounded, inquisitive, and innovative graduates to better the world. Students pursue their passions while developing the skills that employers want and rewarding careers demand. The result: a degree that can help make you “robot proof” in a rapidly transforming job market.

The College of Arts and Sciences is made up of three schools that provide areas of study in arts and humanities, natural and mathematical sciences, and social and historical studies.

Our faculty have dedicated their careers to you and look forward to serving as your mentors. You will find many of us have backgrounds similar to yours, whether you are first generation, a veteran, a transfer, returning after time away, or entering as a first-time student.  We have been along that same road and want to help you succeed.

So, welcome! Stop in any time. We are here for you.

Our leadership

Doug McMillen

Doug McMillen

Interim dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Kyoko Takanashi

Kyoko Takanashi

Associate dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Faculty bio

Henry Scott

Henry Scott

Associate dean, School of Natural Sciences
School of Natural Sciences
Faculty bio

Tami Martinez

Tami Martinez

Associate dean, Raclin School of the Arts
Raclin School of the Arts
Faculty bio

An education for the 21st century

The College’s roots may stretch back a couple hundred years, but the skills, insights, and values of our education have never been more relevant.

We focus on foundational skills that help you:

  • Question critically
  • Think logically
  • Communicate clearly
  • Act creatively
  • Live ethically

These skills are prized by employers of all kinds and are vital to a 21st-century career. You will rely on them throughout your life, and we will help you develop them at Indiana University South Bend.

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Benefiting our community

Our faculty, staff, and students are devoted to improving our community for all of its members. They “get out the vote” through our American Democracy Project, uncover historical artifacts in our Archeology Summer Field School, and work to improve our environment through the Center for a Sustainable Future. They help publish books of local history with Wolfson Press and conduct cancer research in our science labs.

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Successful alumni

We are proud that our graduates have found fulfilling careers throughout the Michiana region and beyond. Whether they work in environmental sustainability, the legal profession, or social services, CAS majors make a difference when they graduate. We are proud of them all. Are you a CAS alum? Tell us what you’ve been up to since graduation!

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