Conducting Research
Research methods are introduced in class-based research projects and students are encouraged to explore their interests in the field by conducting independent research or participating in field schools.
Where do I start?
I know exactly what I want to research.
Speak with your professor or advisor about opportunities to conduct independent research. Students should make an appointment with a faculty member as soon as possible to find out if Institutional Review Board approval is required.
I am not sure what I want to research.
Take a methods course to gain research skills and to develop research ideas: SOC-S 370: Research Methods in Sociology, SOC-S 351: Social Statistics, and/or ANTH-A 370: Research Methods in Anthropology.
It's the summer and I want to participate in a faculty-led research experience.
Participate in IU South Bend's Archaeology Summer Field School or choose from a variety of IU sponsored Archaeological and Ethnographic Field Schools. Contact your advisor for more information about enrolling in a program through Bloomington. For more information about the IU South Bend Archaeology Field School contact Josh Wells or Jay VanderVeen.
How do I fund an independent research project?
Students can apply for funding to cover research costs through the SMART (Student-Mentor Academic Research Team) Program. Funding proposals include general information about the project, an abstract, budget, and 2-5 page proposal. An appropriate amount of time should be allotted to prepare a well written proposal, request feedback from a faculty mentor, revise your proposal, and submit the proposal before the deadline. Visit the Undergraduate Research at IU South Bend site for additional resources and information.