Contemporary Physics Seminar
PHYS-S 106, Contemporary Physics Seminar, is our weekly colloquium series, and although all are welcome to attend, it is availabe as a one-credit, pass / fail course for anyone seeking university credit.
Sample Contemporary Physics Seminar (Prof. Jerry Hinnefeld, Fall 2017)
The intention is for the talks in S106 to be accessible to anyone interested, so please join us! Faculty, students, and members of the public are welcome to attend.
All talks will be on Thursdays, in Northside 0063, starting at 2:30 p.m.
Date | Topic |
24-Aug | Introduction to the physics department at IUSB (Dr. Hinnefeld) |
31-Aug | Dr. Jerry Hinnefeld - "Origins of the Elements" |
7-Sep | AIP Careers Toolbox, part 1 |
14-Sep | AIP Careers Toolbox, part 2 |
21-Sep | Physics Mid-semester Mixer (Pizza!) |
28-Sep | Thomas Redpath, Michigan State Univ. - "Measuring the Lifetime of 26O" |
5-Oct | Dr. Jinmi Yoon, Univ. of Notre Dame - "Galactic Archaeology: Study of the Early Universe with Ancient Stars" |
12-Oct | Q&A with Bender Scholar, Dr. Stephen Squyres, Cornell Univ. |
19-Oct | |
26-Oct | Dr. Henry Scott - title TBA |
2-Nov | Dr. Ilan Levine - title TBA |
9-Nov | Students from Dr. Levine's group - titles TBA |
16-Nov | Dr. Rolf Schimmrigk - title TBA |
23-Nov | NO CLASS -- Thanksgiving |
30-Nov | wrap-up and Q&A (Dr. Hinnefeld) |