The following is a partial list of those activities carried out by the department which implement the goals listed in the previous section. Many of these activities have components in more than one of the three areas of teaching, scholarship and service. The following is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather indicates the wide scope of department activities.
- Advising students in the department's degree programs in planning their academic programs, and assessing their progress in and certifying the successful completion of these programs.
- Designing and developing curricula, courses, laboratories, assessment tools, and instructional materials for teaching mathematics at the university level and below.
- Cooperating with other academic units to develop interdisciplinary courses and programs.
- Designing and developing software or hardware that provides new or improved tools for communicating teaching and learning, or for supporting research in mathematics and its applications.
- Developing internship programs and other professional opportunities for students.
- Disseminating the results of our research to the scientific community in the form of books or monographs, articles in refereed journals and conference proceedings, talks at professional conferences or meetings, technical reports, or software.
- Organizing and lecturing in seminars in mathematics, both at the level of research and at levels suitable for students.
- Maintaining a departmental technical report series.
- Directing students in independent research projects.
- Acting as referees for papers submitted to scholarly journals and proceedings, reviewing papers, serving on editorial boards or professional society committees.
- Organizing professional conferences or workshops, or organizing panels, special sessions, and other scholarly activities at such conferences.
- Seeking funding in support of scholarly activity.
- Preparing, administering, and grading the regional mathematics contest for secondary and middle school students, sponsored annually by the Department.
- Acting as consultants within our disciplines to other departments, educational or governmental institutions and agencies, to scholars in other fields, or to business or industry.
- Serving as advisors to student clubs such as the IU South Bend Student Chapter of the Mathematical Association of America.
- Providing general university service through, for example, committee work at the college, campus, and University-wide levels.