Grading Guidelines for MLS Courses
Students must have their programs of study approved by the MLS program Director.
Students may enroll in no more than 9 credit hours of electives in a single academic semester.
It is important that students and faculty share the same understanding about what grades mean in graduate courses. Students in the MLS program need to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and failure to do so could result in dismissal from the program. Grades less than a B- indicate unsatisfactory performance, and any course with a final grade of less than B- will not count toward graduation. Grades in MLS courses are to be assigned and interpreted using the following guidelines:
A, Excellent performance at the graduate level
A-, Very good performance at the graduate level.
B+, Good or better than satisfactory performance at the graduate level
B, Satisfactory performance at the graduate level
B-, Not fully meeting the expectations for graduate work